Confident Career: CTRL ALT DEL your career

When you CTRL ALT DEL your computer, it’s usually because something just isn’t working and you need to shut down the offending task so that you can get back to business as usual. Do you ever wish you could CTRL ALT DEL your career? You’re not alone. Sometimes we hit a point where we feel frozen – the human equivalent of ‘Not responding’ – or a particular aspect of our job stops running smoothly. If your career is suddenly at a standstill or you want to find a direction that’s a better fit, then it’s time to press CTRL ALT DEL and reboot your professional operating system. This week's podcast mentions Giraffe CVs' free CV review service. 

Om Podcasten

If you need a compelling, interview-winning CV to achieve your career goals, then The CV Confidence Coach podcast is for you. Join Lis McGuire, professional CV writer and founder of Giraffe CVs, for a weekly podcast jam-packed with CV writing tips and advice. Each week Lis shares proven and simple strategies to help you craft a compelling CV which increases career confidence, optimises your professional visibility and opens interview doors. Giraffe CVs was recommended by Guardian Careers as one of their top 10 Twitter accounts for careers advice, March 2014.