Confident CV: Six ways your CV can show you as a team player

The once popular term ‘team player’ is now seen as a hackneyed cliché that you should avoid at all costs when writing your CV. Despite this, the sentiment it represents – in essence ‘an ability to work effectively with others to achieve common goals’ – is as important as it ever was. Recruiters want to see that you are able to communicate with colleagues in a variety of contexts, and that you have the desirable interpersonal skills needed to link up with others and harness the power of your combined skills and experience. This paradox can cause some head-scratching when writing your CV.  So, how should you use your CV to show that you are a team player, without actually saying you are one? Read the full transcript here.

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If you need a compelling, interview-winning CV to achieve your career goals, then The CV Confidence Coach podcast is for you. Join Lis McGuire, professional CV writer and founder of Giraffe CVs, for a weekly podcast jam-packed with CV writing tips and advice. Each week Lis shares proven and simple strategies to help you craft a compelling CV which increases career confidence, optimises your professional visibility and opens interview doors. Giraffe CVs was recommended by Guardian Careers as one of their top 10 Twitter accounts for careers advice, March 2014.