#172 - Ravi Zacharias and High-Profile Moral Failings

This week Jason discusses the tragic story of Ravi Zacharias, after the conclusions of a thorough investigation were publicly released just recently. How could this sort of thing happen? Was he truly saved? Should we now throw out his teaching? What do we make of this? Christianity Today Article: https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2021/february/ravi-zacharias-rzim-investigation-sexual-abuse-sexting-rape.html RZIM Report and Open Letter: https://www.rzim.org/read/rzim-updates/board-statement Music: "Arrival of the Lore" by Courtland Urbano

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Currently on Indefinite Hiatus — A podcast exploring theology and the daily Christian life from a biblical perspective. Your host Jason is not a scholar or pastor, but simply a young believer seeking to provide helpful, biblical resources for God’s people.