Episode 2 - Grooming

Guest - Charlotte Naylor DavisCharlotte Naylor Davis is a scholar of Biblical Studies, engaging in research and collaborative projects on the Bible in translation, gender and popular culture.. She works both inside and outside the academy to provide tools of good biblical literacy to theological students and community groups alike. Notes - a shorter article here - https://www.ashleyeaster.com/blog/pastors-dont-have-affairsA very comprehensive study here - https://www.scu.edu/media/ignatian-center/bannan/Beyond-Bad-Apples-8-2-FINAL.pdfCharlotte's Patreon can be found here - https://www.patreon.com/MetalBiblicalScholar Get full access to Right Side Up: Danielle Strickland at daniellestrickland.substack.com/subscribe

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welcome. I'm hoping it's here you will find subversive ideas, disruptive thoughts, experience and hope, some spiritual depth and genuine questions... this is a way of one beggar telling another beggar where to find some bread. I'm glad you are here. daniellestrickland.substack.com