Uncovering Sin

How Christians respond when injustice is uncovered. Replay Preach from June 27th, 2021.The message is about how God is exposing things that were done in the dark. https://hagarsvoice.comAds:https://www.womenspeakerscollective.comhttps://www.womenspeakerscollective.com/speakersbootcampregistration/atlantahttps://infinitumlife.com Get full access to Right Side Up: Danielle Strickland at daniellestrickland.substack.com/subscribe

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welcome. I'm hoping it's here you will find subversive ideas, disruptive thoughts, experience and hope, some spiritual depth and genuine questions... this is a way of one beggar telling another beggar where to find some bread. I'm glad you are here. daniellestrickland.substack.com