#88 Fatal Conveniences™: Xbox: Gaming for EMFs

Video games have been a global obsession for decades now. Although gaming may be a fun way to pass the time, some invisible dangers come from the game system itself. You don’t need to quit playing video games, but you need to be more aware, especially when it comes to your Xbox. In this segment, I’ll break down the science and research behind this information, and give you plenty of suggestions to change your habits. Game your heart out. Just do it safely, guys.   || Full show notes & links - https://darinolien.com/88-fatal-conveniences-xbox-gaming-for-emfs

Om Podcasten

I’m Darin Olien, the “Superfood Hunter.” If you’re looking for motivation to take the next step towards a happier, healthier life then you’re in the right place. On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that educate and inspire me. We cover everything from nutrition and mental health to sustainable ways of living. We also dive into life's Fatal Conveniences™. These are the things that we're doing or consuming in our day-to-day life that may actually be harming us, or the Earth.