Eyeliner & Mascara | Fatal Conveniences™

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. So of course there would be a desire to make those eyes pop. But using eyeliner & mascara to define your eyes may not be as harmless as you think. Using eyeliner to enhance the eyes has been popular for thousands of years- maybe even longer!  Today’s eyeliners may not be made of dangerous materials like kohl any longer, but they’re still filled with toxins. Let’s learn about the negative effects of commercial eye makeup like eyeliner & mascara and what to use instead.   || Full Show Notes - https://darinolien.com/eyeliner-fatal-conveniences/

Om Podcasten

I’m Darin Olien, the “Superfood Hunter.” If you’re looking for motivation to take the next step towards a happier, healthier life then you’re in the right place. On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that educate and inspire me. We cover everything from nutrition and mental health to sustainable ways of living. We also dive into life's Fatal Conveniences™. These are the things that we're doing or consuming in our day-to-day life that may actually be harming us, or the Earth.