What Foods to Eat to Beat Disease | Dr. William Li

We all know that eating healthy makes you feel better. But could certain foods actually help your body beat disease and heal itself? Science tells us they absolutely can. Dr. William Li, a world-renowned physician and scientist, breaks down the complicated science behind the healing power of foods and how they work with your body to prevent, fight and heal from disease. It’s not about what not to eat, but rather what foods you should add to your plate. || LINKS || www.drwilliamli.com | http://www.vuori.com/darin | www.trybite.com/darin | Full Show Notes - https://darinolien.com/what-foods-to-eat-to-beat-disease-dr-william-li/

Om Podcasten

I’m Darin Olien, the “Superfood Hunter.” If you’re looking for motivation to take the next step towards a happier, healthier life then you’re in the right place. On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that educate and inspire me. We cover everything from nutrition and mental health to sustainable ways of living. We also dive into life's Fatal Conveniences™. These are the things that we're doing or consuming in our day-to-day life that may actually be harming us, or the Earth.