Episode 21: 66 Questions Data Leaders Unplugged: Ivan Martinez
Our preamble before the interview was really insightful for me. We talked about our families, our cultures, and our values and it seemed that Ivan and I have had similar experiences in life. He’s super focused and lives with a form of discipline around him that is fantastic, a triathlon athlete and now training for the big Iron Man which he hopes to complete soon! Here is a little more about Ivan. He’s currently Vice President of Operational Excellence and Business Analytics at KSI Auto Parts. I loved our discussion for many reasons, Ivan’s passion for the climate and his small way of doing things to help the climate, his huge positivity almost rubs off on you, and his balance between discipline and creativity! Plus his tenacious and almost infectious passion for data and analytics, his lifelong application of learning with his daughters, and his love of Python. What resonated for me is simply this: in the world of data and analytics with all the trends that are amassing, the one piece of advice that he gave which equally supports my values is this: if you are thinking about or are already in a data career – make it your objective to sit, study, and learn everything about what your business does. As you can tell I had a lot of fun with Ivan and loved his thoughtful, fun, and focus on life. I hope you enjoy this episode please do like, share, and comment, and enjoy listening to Ivan. Behind every data leader there is a person and here is Ivan unplugged.