44: Animals and Domestic Violence with Therese Lilliesköld (S5)

Episode 7 of Series 5: Children and Other AnimalsI talk with Therese Lilliesköld about animals and domestic violence. we will be talking about Domestic violence against pets and how pets are used against children by abusers. we're going to be talking about How to protect children from online abusers and how important it is for women's shelters to be welcoming to the animal family members.Guest: Therese Lilliesköld offers lectures and training on the connection between violence against ch...

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Humans interact with animals every day of our lives: diet, wildlife, the clothes they wear, even medicines, are all intersections. This is a podcast about Anthrozoology: the study of interaction and connection between humans and non-human animals.Our mission is to make research more accessible the public while sharing the voices and lived experience of our human connection with animals. www.thedealwithanimals.com