61: EVAT Mini-series (Part4): Eagle Relatives and Aviary Tours with Bobbie Chew Bigby

Send us a textPart 4: Emerging Voices for Animal in Tourism Conference Mini-Series 2023 TranscriptI'm talking to researcher and Cherokee Nation citizen Bobby Chew Bigby about her work, studying the tribal led eagle aviary tours in Oklahoma Indian countries.Guest: Bobbie is a storyteller, writer, scholar, educator, polyglot and enthusiast of the diversity of human cultures, languages and traditional relationships with the living environment. Born and raised in Oklahoma and a citizen of th...

Om Podcasten

Humans interact with animals every day of our lives: diet, wildlife, clothes and even medicines, are all intersections we often don’t think about. This is a podcast about the interactions and connections between humans and non-human animals.Our mission is to make research more accessible to the public while sharing the voices and lived experience of our human connection with animals.