Irving Shuman (5 of Diamonds, Arizona)

When a Jewish activist and philanthropist didn’t show up for dinner, his friends and girlfriend didn’t know what to expect. In a matter of minutes, their lives would change forever. Strangled to death in his Phoenix real-estate practice’s office in September 2008, Irving Shuman’s family, co-workers and religious community were baffled. It’s been almost 15 years since Irving’s death, and investigators are still hoping for the tip that’ll break this case wide open.

Om Podcasten

For years, some law enforcement agencies have replaced the faces of traditional playing card decks with images of missing and murdered people and distributed those cards in prisons hoping inmates would come forward with information needed to crack these cold cases wide open. Now, audiochuck is dealing you in. Each week, we will be working with investigators and family members to bring you the details of some of the coldest cases from around the country in hopes that someone listening can finally bring these victims the justice they deserve.