DEVSECOPS Talks #44 - Kosli with Mike Long. From compliance to answering questions about the production environment

We are excited about the new breed of tools coming to the market. We often had to put together tools to find out what was in production and what broke it. Your monitoring tools go as far as only telling you that something isn't working as expected but not why it is so, and then you have to scramble to figure out what versions of services are in production, were there any recent deploys, etc. So you can understand what has changed to narrow down possible causes. Our good friend Mike and his team are building the tool to answer exactly such questions, so we thought you might be interested in hearing him out.   Connect with us on LinkedIn or Twitter (see info at We are happy to answer your questions, hear suggestions for new episodes or just hear from you, our listeners.

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This is the show by and for DevSecOps practitioners who are trying to survive information overload, get through marketing nonsense, do right technology bets, help their organizations to deliver value and last but not the least to have some fun. Tune in for talks about technology, ways of working and news from DevSecOps. This show is not sponsored by any technology vendor and trying to be as unbiased as possible. We talk like no one is listening! For good or bad :) For more info, show notes, and discussion of past and upcoming episodes visit