Episode 19 - Why Marketing is Never the Problem

"You can double your revenue without spending an additional penny on marketing", a bold yet realistic statement according to Nin, as long as you respect the following guidelines:• Make sure you empower your patients through proper education• Work on your TPST: Teams, Process, Systems and Training.• Follow the AIQ (Acknowledge, Inform, and Question) technique in every conversation with a new prospect.

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Welcome to The Perfect Bite, a snackable, fun sized podcast series brought to you by Dental Monitoring. If you’re curious about this evolution, if you’re looking for real solutions to grow your practice, or if you simply want to hear from leaders in the industry who have already embraced our AI-powered solutions, welcome to our podcast! We are open to broadening the conversation and we welcome your suggestions for future episodes. So please get in touch with us at podcast@dental-monitoring.com with ideas.