How Our Childhood Can Impact Our Career Path As Physicians

Have you ever wondered if how you were raised might secretly influence your career choices as a physician? In this week’s episode, Dr. Pam Pappas and I delve into the influence of childhood experiences on physicians contemplating career changes. We explore how growing up with financial instability, trauma, or in an otherwise dysfunctional family can impact our approach to career decisions. Dr. Pappas, with her extensive background in psychiatry and coaching, sheds light on these dynamics and how to move forward when the past is limiting us in various ways.  You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here:    In this episode we’re talking about: The link between financial insecurity in childhood and our drivers as adults The myth of a stable career in medicine Unique gifts that may come from a difficult upbringing A reminder that we are more than our patterns How understanding childhood motivations can help us make more informed decisions Examining our essence through the Enneagram, and its benefits as a personal development tool. How to recognize if you are being negatively impacted by your past   Links for this episode: - Dr. Pappa's website Information about the 9 Enneagram Personality Types Free Enneagram Test Enneagram Personality Test the $12 RHETI 

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Are you a physician who’s questioning your career path? If you’re at the white coat crossroads, for whatever reason, this podcast is for you. We’re going to help you find your best path forward, whether it’s to be happier in patient care, transition to a nonclinical career, or do something completely different. In the weekly podcasts, we’re bringing you all the good stuff: -Actionable tools and resources to help you start making positive changes. -Interviews with physicians who’ve found new and fulfilling ways to practice as well as those who’ve transitioned into nonclinical careers. -Concrete advice for applying to jobs, using LinkedIn, interviewing, negotiating, and much more. Your host, Dr. Heather Fork, is a former board-certified dermatologist who transitioned into full-time career coaching for physicians over 10 years ago. She is a master certified coach who has been helping hundreds of physicians find ways to be happier both in medicine and beyond. Come visit us at to learn more!