Public Health - A Rewarding Way To Help

Are you desiring a career change that is both engaging and impactful? If so, you are in the right place! I am so excited to share this episode on a topic we have not explored much on this podcast: public health. Our guest today is Dr. Lynn Sosa, the Director of Infectious Disease and State Epidemiologist for the Connecticut Department of Public Health. Dr. Sosa shares the journey that got her there, her passion for her work, and advice for those interested in joining this sector. You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here:   In this episode we’re talking about: Dr. Sosa’s high school experience that shaped her career path The variety of her day-to-day activities as a Director of Infectious Disease Why she finds infectious diseases and public health satisfying and engaging work The broad possibilities of a role in public health What you can expect for compensation A number of options for finding a door into this job sector Do you need an MPH, licensure, or board certification?   Links for this episode: - Job postings CDC - Job postings Emory Health - Includes postings for public health in general and is not exclusive Emory ASTHO - Association of State and Territorial Health Officials CSTE - Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists IDSA - Infectious Disease Society of America  If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, unsure of what steps to take, or worry you’ll make the wrong decision, I've got your back. Whether you are interested in a one time consultation or further coaching, I am here to help you carpe that diem. Click here to learn more about my coaching services, or email the team directly at 

Om Podcasten

Are you a physician who’s questioning your career path? If you’re at the white coat crossroads, for whatever reason, this podcast is for you. We’re going to help you find your best path forward, whether it’s to be happier in patient care, transition to a nonclinical career, or do something completely different. In the weekly podcasts, we’re bringing you all the good stuff: -Actionable tools and resources to help you start making positive changes. -Interviews with physicians who’ve found new and fulfilling ways to practice as well as those who’ve transitioned into nonclinical careers. -Concrete advice for applying to jobs, using LinkedIn, interviewing, negotiating, and much more. Your host, Dr. Heather Fork, is a former board-certified dermatologist who transitioned into full-time career coaching for physicians over 10 years ago. She is a master certified coach who has been helping hundreds of physicians find ways to be happier both in medicine and beyond. Come visit us at to learn more!