HALLOWEEN SPECIAL: Paranormal Rescue with Bond the Ghost Hunting Greyhound

Who's ready for a SPOOKY Halloween episode?! Our guests this week are Brian Sterling-Vete and Helen Wuorio from Paranormal Rescue, the world’s first professional international paranormal emergency service. Brian’s interest in the paranormal began many years ago when he accidentally became involved in a UFO incident that was witnessed by several police officers who were on the scene at the time, and several quirks of fate over the years have continually drawn him back into exploring the mysterious and unknown. Helen has had a life-long interest in the paranormal and grew up in a house in Alaska that was highly active.  Throughout her life, she often had 'visions' that typically come true. The couple are owners to the real star of the show and the reason for this podcast episode – their Greyhound, Bond.  Bond is a retired 5-year-old rescued Greyhound who possesses extraordinary abilities that aids them enormously during paranormal research and investigations.

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A weekly discussion of all things dogs, hosted by The Dogist Team.