Adults with Eating Disorders: Dr. Lauren Muhlheim

    I had the pleasure of talking to the fabulous Dr. Lauren Muhlheim over Skype today about adults with eating disorders. Below are some of the issues that Dr. Muhlheim and I discussed. This is just the bare bones of the conversation and I recommend that you listen to the whole podcast as Dr. Muhlheim gives some incredibly valuable insight and decorates these points fantastically. Dr. Lauren Muhlheim Dr. Lauren Mulhleim is a clinical psychologist at Eating Disorder Therapy LA who specializes in providing evidence-based cognitive behavioral psychotherapy for a variety of problems experienced by adults including eating disorders. Dr. Muhlheim regularly volunteers her time for several organizations including the Academy for Eating Disorders, the Los Angeles County Psychological Association, and Best Friends LA. She is my go-to professional and a highly valued member of the eating disorder advocacy community. In short: Dr. Muhlheim gets eating disorders. Check out her website for more information and resources and follow her on twitter @drmuhlheim      In this podcast you will find information on: Outlining the biggest obstacles for adult sufferers when it comes to accessing treatment options. Adult and post-menopausal onset of eating disorders. Dynamics of family and relationships for adults with eating disorders and financial implications.  The role and potential of Family-Based Therapy. Post inpatient treatment plans and relapse avoidance plans  Links to resources mentioned in the podcast: F.E.A.S.T – Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders — this is the website that helped me save my own life. Literally. And here are those Dr. Muhlhiem mentioned at the end of the podcast: ASPIRE – Adults Supporting Peers in Recovery from Eating Disorders Recovery Warriors NEDA

Om Podcasten

This podcast covers all aspects of eating disorder recovery from the science behind understanding what an eating disorder really is, to implementing effective, and above all, evidence-based treatment. Podcast host Tabitha Farrar suffered Anorexia from age 17 to 26, then spent four years in recovery. She has now made a full recovery and lives a happy and full life. She has published a book called Love Fat outlining her recovery and explaining the often misunderstood concepts that underly this brain-based disease. This podcast will range from interviews with ED experts, to parents, to adult sufferers, to how to manage child sufferers, to the latest research, to everyday musings. Host and producer: Tabitha Farrar Disclaimer: This podcast is not endorsed by any medical professionals. Tabitha's opinions are her own. Cover art: Bethany Alderson Intro: Accelerated Ideas