The Secret Weapon for E-commerce Success with Jason Friedman

Welcome to the SyncSpider Ecom Ops Podcast! Today, we're thrilled to have Jason Friedman from CXFormula joining us. Jason is renowned for revealing untapped business potential, particularly in e-commerce. Intriguingly, this potent secret key is already within your grasp. Want to find out how simple and boring could be the key to success? Are you eager to discover how? Join us as we delve into this exciting exploration!

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the #1 podcast in the eCommerce operations space... There is a deluge of content around how to grow an eCommerce business but very little support for the people “working behind the scenes” to ensure that customers receive their orders whilst having an awesome brand experience, that you don't run out of stock and that your eCom store doesn't run out of cash... That's why we created this podcast, for the unsung operational heroes out there grinding away in spreadsheets and storerooms... this podcast is for you.