UX Tips & Best Practices | Matt Tanguay & Yaron Been - 3
In today's episode, we have with us, Matt Tanguay. Matt helps 7-8 figure eCommerce stores increase their conversions by improving their user experience. Matt has a lot of experience and knowledge and is also running a very cool community which is called Ecom Convert. In this podcast episode, we talked about User experience, conversion rate best practices, and a lot of stuff every drop shipper or store owner should test. Pop-ups, Checkout optimization, recommended platforms, crucial UX elements, and common mistakes store owners do. Please subscribe, rate, and review our podcast in Apple Podcasts and invite your friends to tune-in as well! Help us spread the word. Check out our Blog and Youtube page for more awesome content. If you have any questions, please email yaron@ecomxf.com Thank you. Yaron Been