Larry Merchant has spent his professional life writing, commenting and analyzing some of the biggest events in sports. The world of boxing made Larry Merchant a household name for the way in which his fight analysis pulled no punches (pun sorta' intended) and neither did his post-fight interviews. Larry joins at 0:17 into the show. Mark Thompson, J.Elvis Weinstein and Lisa Foxx ask Larry about his life around the ring and about his controversial interview with Floyd Mayweather. Larry talks about Ali, Foreman, Frazier and a history around the sport.  Mark asks point blank whether Larry thinks boxing is, at times, fixed. The show starts with THE FAST 15 with Michael Shure. Mark talks with Michael about the acquisition of Time Inc by a company controlled by the billionaire Koch brothers.  The two also discuss Al Franken and Roy Moore and the way Congress handles matters of sexual harassment.

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The Edge Show, hosted by Mark Thompson.