5. Using Tech as an Admin with Gregg Primeaux

Mr. Primeaux is in his second year as Assistant Principal at Rancho Alamitos HS in Garden Grove, California. Mr. Primeaux earned a M.S. in Education, emphasizing integrating technology in the classroom from Walden University in 2009.  He graduated with his B.A. in History from California State University at Long Beach in 1997. Mr. Primeaux is “Homegrown” attending elementary, middle, and high school in Garden Grove Unified School District. He has been employed in GGUSD since 1997. Mr. Primeaux has taught Special Education as well as Social Studies during his career in GGUSD.  You can find him online at @PrimoHistory

Om Podcasten

EdTechTeacher’s mission is to help educators thrive in modern learning environments. As the leading edtech professional learning provider in the United States, our world-class instructors offer a variety of onsite, virtual, and self-paced learning opportunities that help teachers solve the challenges they face in an ever-changing classroom environment. The EdTechTeacher Podcast hopes to take these beliefs and bring them to the public via an audio format all learners can access.