Michael McCloskey - His journey to become a value investor, Visa and the whole credit cards industry
Michael McCloskey is the founder and president of GreensKeeper Asset Management. He is one of those rare-to-find people who has a flair for both numbers and writing. In fact, he has a BSc in mathematics, as well as both a JD and an MBA degree. Michael has worked as an investment banker and has a lot of experience in the securities industry. Today, he lives in Mississauga, Canada with his wife and two daughters. Michael McCloskey talks to Guy Spier about how he became a value investor and the principles he learned from Buffett and Munger along the way, such as sharing wisdom. He speaks fondly about family values and teaching, mentioning his alumni at GreensKeeper with particular joy. Michael then takes the listener through the research report on Visa he recently produced, while giving an insight into the whole credit cards and payment networks industry. Finally, he reflects upon his days of studying mathematics, as well as on the topic of writing books. Full transcript available here: https://aqfd.docsend.com/view/zbmpr7ckcys75i2k Contents: Who is Michael McCloskey? (00:00:00) The Connection to Berkshire Hathaway (00:05:29) Importance of Family (00:14:54) The GreensKeeper Alumni (00:24:49) A Research Report on Visa (00:30:52) Risks in the World of Payment Networks (00:45:18) Buy Now Pay Later Plans (01:08:55) A Detour About AmEx and Mastercard (01:22:38) What is Inspiring About Mathematics? (01:36:52) The Art of Writing Books (01:44:45)