Uncovering The Secret Climate Denial Machine

We’ve all encountered those who passionately deny climate change is real. But given the overwhelming consensus of the scientific community, where does this doubt held by such a large proportion of the public stem from? Turns out, it’s not there by accident. It’s been consciously seeded within society by a few key corporations, free-market ideologues, and scientists. Through interviews with Naomi Oreskes, historian of science and author of Merchants of Doubt, and Kert Davies of the Climate Investigations Centre, we uncover the story of this secretive climate denial machine and learn about some of the key players who have been sowing doubt, and blocking action on the greatest threat facing our society.

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Welcome to The Elephant! An interview and storytelling podcast investigating up-and-coming solutions to one of the greatest challenges of our time: climate change. Supported by Climate-KIC