Academy Footballer, Vice-Principal, and Author Steve Sallis

Ramita is joined by Steve Sallis in this week's episode where the pair discuss areas that need desperate improvement in the education sector and share insights on how to help kids develop independent mindsets. Steve Sallis is a former academy footballer, vice-principal teacher and author of the successful book ‘Educating Football’, a book that challenges thinking on teaching, learning, leadership and elite sport. Steve is currently working with the England Under 15 National Squad and also supports Premier League and Football League Players with mental conditioning support. You can learn more about the content mentioned in this episode by visiting the links below: Steve Sallis' website - Solutions Mindset 'Educating Football' by Steve Sallis The High Performance Podcast

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Conversations on how to empower girls with thought leaders, innovators, educators, creatives and activists who champion girls. Working together to lift young girls to live remarkable lives.