2: Oskar Verkaaik on what the real function of the interior of a mosque is

In this episode, anthropologist Oskar Verkaaik describes his research on the designs and interiors of mosques in the Netherlands. He shares how he aimed to understand why mosques almost always look more or less the same, both inside and out - at least, that's what he had read in literature and what many designers had told him. According to them, a mosque should resemble a reminder of the country of origin of its visitors. There seemed to be some truth in that, until an imam made him realize a completely different function of the appearance of a mosque. Listen here to the story of Dr. Oskar Verkaaik.   Oskar Verkaaik teaches anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. He has published widely on a range of topics, including ethnic-religious politics in Pakistan, secularism and cultural citizenship in the Netherlands, contemporary religious architecture, and heritage breeds in the context of sustainable dairy-farming. He is currently working on invasive species politics.    For more information about Roanne: www.anthropologyofthefuture.com    If you want to receive additional photos from the field, personal drawings and behind-the-screens information accompanying the episodes of The Emic, subscribe to Roanne's free newsletter: www.anthropologyofthefuture.com/the-emic

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Join anthropologist Roanne van Voorst and her guests during fieldwork in Inuit villages in Greenland, poor riverbank-settlements in Indonesia, or the buzzling city of Amsterdam. While she shares the wisest lessons that she learned in the field - often from unexpected teachers -, you will hear the sounds that surround her: chirping snow, a street musician playing the guitar, singing birds, or a noisy traffic road. In anthropology, the ‘emic’ perspective means the insider’s perspective. During fieldwork, anthropologists try to understand the perspective of the people who live within a specific group, or subculture in society. Want to learn more about Roannes' fieldwork, see her notes, photos or drawings from the field? Then subscibe to her monthly letters at www.anthropologyofthefuture.com/the-emic The podcast includes guest episodes from fellow anthropologists, or other listeners: if you want to share your 'emic' moment (see this file: https://anthropologyofthefuture.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Emic-radioplay-instructions.pdf for an explanation), you may send Roanne a 5 minute audio recording of your story - the most beautiful ones are produced by Roanne and her team into a radioplay, where we will add sounds to your voice!