Stones To Abbigale Review: Onision’s Facts, Greg’s Fiction

From lawsuits to internet drama to a very odd trilogy of books, Onision brings it all to the SBU English Club. Join us and our friend Holly as we provide Greg Onision YouTube’s Stones To Abbigale the thoughtful and balanced critique and analysis that he definitely got and ignored before hitting the Publish button on Amazon. ABOUT THE BOOK: This book is made up of events that occurred in my own life mixed with fiction from the made-up life of James. James is essentially a better version of myself. His home, his school & his life all resemble my own at his age. The people James analyzes and is surrounded by are not so unlike those I’ve known as well. I have experienced much of the loss James has however his happier moments are more often than not also mine. I want to share my story without it being purely non-fiction. I simply felt this approach would make for a far better book. At points I cried while writing this, at others I laughed.Stones To Abbigale is not just a book I wrote; it is a piece of who I am. ABOUT US: English Club Podcast is a joint venture between two critique partners at "Saint Balasar University". The goal of each episode is to give internet famous fiction a fair critique, as if the authors were members of a writing group themselves. Davis Fan Club: Join the Rollerskating Team:

Om Podcasten

English Club Podcast is a joint venture between two critique partners at "Saint Balasar University". The goal of each episode is to give notoriously "bad" fiction a chance for fair critique, as if the authors were members of a writing group themselves.