Susannah Ricci – Yotes Court Episode 17

Today my guest is Susannah Ricci, who has transformed Yotes Court, near Mereworth in Kent, from a tired house with an overgrown garden and fruit farm into a magnificent Manor House, vineyard and Cellar Door. Susannah released her debut wines this year and they have already won a whole host of awards but you may recognise the name Ricci for other reasons as Susannah and her husband, Richard are successful racehorse owners. The majority of their horses are trained by champion trainer Willie Mullins and their famous green and pink silks drive the Yotes Court branding, while racing terms have been used to name the wines. We talk about the restoration of Yotes Court and how Susannah made the decision to turn some of the land into a vineyard; their new tasting room, which opened earlier this year and overlooks the vines; and what's next for this burgeoning wine brand. To find out more about Yotes Court and to buy the wines, visit: and to keep to date with the wine brand and its latest news and release, follow @yotescourt on Instagram.Thank you for listening to today's episode of The English Wine Diaries. If you enjoyed the podcast then please leave a rating or review and to hear future episodes as they are released, hit subscribe on your podcast listening platform.To find out who's joining me next week, follow @thesouthernquarter on Instagram and for more regular English wine news and reviews, visit and sign up to my newsletter.Thanks for listening to The English Wine Diaries. If you enjoyed the podcast then please leave a rating or review, it helps boost our ratings and makes it easier for other people to find us. To find out who will be joining me next on the English Wine Diaries, follow @theenglishwinediaries on Instagram and for more regular English wine news and reviews, sign up to our newsletter at

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The English Wine Diaries is a weekly interview series with Rebecca Pitcairn, editor, journalist and founder of The Southern Quarter, an online lifestyle magazine about English Wine. Each week Rebecca is joined by a special guest from the world of wine (and beyond) to talk all about their English wine journey. From sommeliers to vineyard owners, hoteliers and some rather familiar faces too, discover how a love of wine – particularly that made on British soil – has helped shape their lives and careers.