William Lowe, Cambridge Distillery – Ep 15

This week, on the last episode of series two of The English Wine Diaries, I am joined by William Lowe, founder of the world's most innovative distillery – the Cambridge Distillery. William has worked within the drinks industry for 23 years and has taught over 10,000 individuals through the Wine & Spirit Education Trust, which has led him to be awarded WSET Educator of the Year twice. In 2012, he set up the Cambridge Distillery and has since created a collection of ground-breaking gins, including a truffle gin and the world’s first insect-based gin. It’s not surprising the distillery has been named Most Innovative Distillery in the World three times! William is also the first Master Distiller to ever become a Master of Wine.We talk about the science behind wine and gin making, what led him to push the boundaries with his gin recipes and his latest release Three Seasons Gin. William and his team host Distillery Masterclasses at the Cambridge Distillery each Saturday and Sundays at 2pm. To find out more, or purchase one of the award-winning gins, visit cambridgedistillery.co.uk. You can also follow @cambridgegin on Instagram for updates.  Thank you for listening to today's episode of The English Wine Diaries. If you enjoyed the podcast then please leave a rating or review and to hear future episodes as they are released, hit subscribe on your podcast listening platform.To find out who's joining me next week, follow @thesouthernquarter on Instagram and for more regular English wine news, visit thesouthernquarter.co.uk and sign up to my newsletter.Thanks for listening to The English Wine Diaries. If you enjoyed the podcast then please leave a rating or review, it helps boost our ratings and makes it easier for other people to find us. To find out who will be joining me next on the English Wine Diaries, follow @theenglishwinediaries on Instagram and for more regular English wine news and reviews, sign up to our newsletter at thesouthernquarter.co.uk.

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The English Wine Diaries is a weekly interview series with Rebecca Pitcairn, editor, journalist and founder of The Southern Quarter, an online lifestyle magazine about English Wine. Each week Rebecca is joined by a special guest from the world of wine (and beyond) to talk all about their English wine journey. From sommeliers to vineyard owners, hoteliers and some rather familiar faces too, discover how a love of wine – particularly that made on British soil – has helped shape their lives and careers. www.thesouthernquarter.co.uk