The Fifth Stage The Peak

In this episode, we delve into the concept of 'The Peak,' a state of pure potential energy and serene weightlessness. We explore this state's exhilarating and terrifying aspects, its liberating freedom from the familiar, and the anxiety it can induce. We discuss how to extend this peak, making it a home, and how it reveals our emergent self. We also examine the sensory level of an OM, the root sensations it can activate, and the thrilling uncertainty it brings. Finally, we discuss the practice of 'stroking at the peak,' the precision it requires, and the awareness it builds. Join us as we navigate the heights of sensation, the depths of change, and the journey to self-discovery.

Om Podcasten

The Eros Sutras, Volume 3, offers a deep dive into the practice of Orgasmic Meditation (OM) and the philosophy behind it. Orgasmic Meditation is a 15-minute partnered attention-training practice where one person strokes the other’s clitoris with no goal other than to feel. In OM, we learn to harness the Erotic impulse, combining arousal and meditation for long-term, sustained changes. This selection of The Eros Sutras describes the steps and technique for the practice of OM, creating safe, repeatable access to the mystical state, healing, and the power of Eros.