#10- Sex Myth Busters with expert Dr. Zhana

Catch your girlfriends busting some of the most pervasive sex myths out there. Is porn addiction real? Can you have an orgasm with your G-spot? Is fisting really as good as Lina thinks it is? We got down to it with Sex Researcher Dr Zhana Vrangalova, so your sex life can be all the better for it. Beware of libido-wrecking breakfasts but there’s hope for those of you caught in the death grip of your vibrator. Enjoy, and listen out for our favourite podcast with Rain de Grey!

Om Podcasten

Ersties are a team of filmmakers, porn producers, models and now…Podcasters! Who better to talk about sex, porn, and everything in between (your legs) than the ladies at Ersties. Expect candid opinions, industry stories, general chitchat and a refreshing outlook on the world of sex. Head to Ersties-Podcast.com to see each episodes unique artwork, listen to previous episodes, and check out what we do for our day job ;) Head over to Ersties.com/podcast to watch our Video of the Week, as well as to claim your 50% exclusive discount for Ersties.com