#13- What We Fantasize About ft. Tentacles, Gender-Benders, Aliens and Justin Lehmiller

What do you think about when you masturbate or have sex? About doing it with your yoga teacher? Celebrities? Aliens? Do you fantasize about gender-bending, lactation, or tentacles? Does it get gangbangy and rapy? Or do you give yourself dominant superpowers? In this episode, we discuss where sexual fantasies come from, what their function is, and why it is difficult - but SO important - to talk about them. As our unicorn, we invited Kinsey Institute sex researcher Justin Lehmiller who surveyed the sexual imagination of 4000 Americans for his book Tell Me What You Want. And of course, we’re sharing our very own dirty fantasies. Come and escape reality with us!

Om Podcasten

Ersties are a team of filmmakers, porn producers, models and now…Podcasters! Who better to talk about sex, porn, and everything in between (your legs) than the ladies at Ersties. Expect candid opinions, industry stories, general chitchat and a refreshing outlook on the world of sex. Head to Ersties-Podcast.com to see each episodes unique artwork, listen to previous episodes, and check out what we do for our day job ;) Head over to Ersties.com/podcast to watch our Video of the Week, as well as to claim your 50% exclusive discount for Ersties.com