4. Recognizing the Gut Origins of Hormonal Acne with Celebrity Acne Nutritionist, Maria Marlowe.

In this episode we will be discussing all about acne. Busting the acne-causing bacteria myth: why inflammation, not bacteria is to blame for breakouts and you’ll be able to discover the best foods to combat hormonal acne, stress acne, or acne in general with Celebrity Acne Nutritionist Maria Marlowe. With over a decade as a Nutritionist, Maria has helped thousands of people improve their health and clear their skin naturally by improving their diet and lifestyle habits. She is the author of The Real Food Grocery Guide, Be Healthy Everyday (over 30K copies sold!) and creator of The Clear Skin Plan, a science-backed, doctor-approved 90-day program to clear acne naturally (the before and afters are incredible!).  Purchase the Glow Biome here: https://www.kumaglow.co?aff=27 Use code “THEESTHETICIANHUB” for discount on your purchase. Find Maria on instagram: @mariamarlowe Love this episode? Leave a rating & Share! Follow me on Instagram: @skinwellness.studio Book a facial with me: https://squareup.com/appointments/book/3dr0s6eb6fvy8f/38K2AEYXAZ36P/services Download my free acne-healing guide: https://1431028139537.gumroad.com/l/ibhgl

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Welcome to The Esthetician Hub - your ultimate skincare podcast! I'm Vanessa, a licensed Medical and Holistic Esthetician, here to share insider tips and expert advice. Whether you're a skincare enthusiast or aspiring esthetician, join me as we dive into the world of skin health, exploring the connection between external beauty and internal well-being. Follow me on Instagram @vanessaliaskin for more skin & wellness-related content.