Running ‘Coworkation’ and ‘Freedom X Fest’ with Stuart Jones

Stuart runs a series of entrepreneurial retreats in cool locations called coworkation and just ran his first conference Freedom X Fest in the Spanish Pyrenees which lasted 6 days and had over 400 attendees! Stuart came to Europe from Australia as a backpacker and started off in Spain where he had a lot of adventures; from turning his apartment into a ‘pop up hostel’ to running pub crawls then guided trips to Oktoberfest amongst other destinations. Stuart focussed on getting a good database of companies selling products to the digital nomad/location independent community in order to get them to co-promote his events and/or become sponsors. Stuart maintains an active Facebook page that has over 18,000 likes and shares a lot of photos and content there to build interest in his events. He talked about how he uses YouTube and Instagram to promote his events as the cool locations lend themselves well to this type of visual marketing. Listen on: iTunes / Podbean / Stitcher / Spotify / YouTube / Sign up for our newsletter, delivered every Friday for the latest Podcast and more info on getting you started running amazing events. This podcast is brought to you by - Effortless ticketing and attendee management with NO ticket fees...Make the switch from Eventbrite today! Email with the subject line ‘PODCAST’ for a special discount code. I hope you enjoyed the podcast and if you did please leave us an iTunes review it really means a lot to us! Finally please join our Facebook Community of #eventprofs to keep the learning going…. and get in touch with me via Sign up to our newsletter, delivered every Friday to get notified when the podcast is live, plus the latest events news of the week! More info about Stuart is below: Stuart has been a Location Independent Entrepreneur over the past 15 years.  He has founded several location-specific event companies in Barcelona, yet his passion for travel and unconventional work practices fuelled his desire to create a truly lifestyle-based business model.  An avid 'future of work' enthusiastic and itinerant traveler, Stuart brings his is experience of the location independent lifestyle with Coworkation, curating Travel Inspiration & Professional retreats for entrepreneurs and creatives.

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We talk to event organisers all over the world and discover how they plan, manage and promote their events.