#108 The 3 Ways Of Living

Ultimately there are three ways to do life. It is possible to remain in one of these ways for your entire life or to mix between them on a weekly or even a daily basis. The three ways are: trapped, transactional, and transformational. Trapped is always blaming themselves and their circumstances. They play the victim. They can’t actually do things they want because of their circumstances. “I can’t afford it.” They often give up improvements on self and life for fleeting moments with vices and addictions. Think you’re a bad person and not worthy Waste lots of time and money. Trapped can’t outsource. No direction. Just survival mode all the time, and usually totally unconscious of their thoughts, feelings, and actions creating their outcomes. Both blow money on coffee, tobacco, alcohol, (others are endlessly consuming their equivalent in junk food) and entertainment. Interesting insight is that trapped people do a lot of shopping at gas stations, paying far too much for far too little Manufacturers of trash food and trash entertainment aim at this demographic of people. This isn’t really income dependent. There are those who earn great salaries but blow it all in trapped living experiences perpetual mental fog and confusion about life and what to do. Constantly talking, revisiting ideas and things they COULD do, but rarely experience real results Mind is endlessly occupied with the transactions of life. Transactional person is all about comfort, supposed security and safety—which is really an illusion. “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” Usually thinks they’re not good enough. Also can’t really do the things they really would like to often because they continually trade what they want most with what they want at the moment, in comfort and convenience. It’s not that they cannot afford transformational experiences, it’s that they won’t. Additionally, they choose the “safer” experiences instead of the transformational ones Transactional won’t outsource, mostly because of the all consuming cost of their comforts AND because of false social ideas and the judgments of others about hiring help Lack purpose, passion, and persistence Lack clarity about who they are and the BIG picture of their life --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/extraordinary-family-life/message

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THE podcast for parents with big dreams who feel stuck. Let us show you how to finally break through the overwhelm, chaos, and 'survival mode' to legitimately do MORE with LESS stress and to finally achieve your biggest dreams -- even with a family. Greg and Rachel Denning are parents of 7 children whom they've traveled with to 50+ countries on 5 continents -- all while homeschooling and building a multi-six-figure location independent biz. BECOME the man, woman, spouse, and parent you need to be to create the EXTRAORDINARY life of YOUR dreams with this HOLISTIC approach that works.