#137 Living With Serendipity

Serendipity: the Occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way I believe that God and the universe are conspiring in your favor and are presenting wonderful opportunities to you all the time! But you have to believe it, be open to it, and accept it. We have had literally Countless experiences that have been a gigantic blessing in our lives that have come through serendipity. There’s simply no way we could have planned for them to happen or even dreamed them up. Serendipity is when wonderful things happen to us as we are pursuing other good things. If you believe it, you can live with serendipity every day! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/extraordinary-family-life/message

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THE podcast for parents with big dreams who feel stuck. Let us show you how to finally break through the overwhelm, chaos, and 'survival mode' to legitimately do MORE with LESS stress and to finally achieve your biggest dreams -- even with a family. Greg and Rachel Denning are parents of 7 children whom they've traveled with to 50+ countries on 5 continents -- all while homeschooling and building a multi-six-figure location independent biz. BECOME the man, woman, spouse, and parent you need to be to create the EXTRAORDINARY life of YOUR dreams with this HOLISTIC approach that works.