#164 Teen Mental Health Strategies That WORK! Pattern Interrupts & State Changes

In this episode, we’re discussing teen mental health and strategies for helping them not only overcome mental health challenges but to learn to thrive despite their difficult circumstances. We’re empathetic to the real struggles and suffering that parents and youth are dealing with and want to provide hope in this episode. Through personal experience, as well as from working with thousands of youth, and doing decades of research, we’ve discovered what actually works to help teens deal with the challenges they face. We know that not every situation is black and white with clear-cut answers or solutions but this episode will provide some puzzle pieces that may fit perfectly for your unique situation. Please use what you can and share it with others who may need to hear this message. This episode is sponsored by Mr. Denning’s Habits for a Successful Life — a live, online class for teenagers. After studying personal development for 20 years, we looked far and wide for a class that would teach our teenagers something MORE important than academics — namely HOW to practice self-leadership and manage their minds, emotions, and habits in order to create a happy and fulfilled life. When we couldn’t find what we were looking for we decided to create it ourselves and offer it to other amazing families. Teens absolutely LOVE this class and all of Mr. Denning’s stories from his travels to 48 countries.  If you have teenagers — or know someone who does — please share this class with them. Go to WorldSchoolAcademy.com or ExtraordinaryFamilyLife.com — https://courses.extraordinaryfamilylife.com/courses/winter-2022-habits

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THE podcast for parents with big dreams who feel stuck. Let us show you how to finally break through the overwhelm, chaos, and 'survival mode' to legitimately do MORE with LESS stress and to finally achieve your biggest dreams -- even with a family. Greg and Rachel Denning are parents of 7 children whom they've traveled with to 55+ countries on 5 continents -- all while homeschooling and building a multi-six-figure location independent biz. BECOME the man, woman, spouse, and parent you need to be to create the EXTRAORDINARY life of YOUR dreams with this HOLISTIC approach that works.