#170 How to Wake Up and Overcome Sleep Depression/Inertia -- Better Mornings Equals a Better Life

Hey everyone. We hope you’re having a great week. I know Greg and I are excited to have some sunshine and warmer weather after two cloudy and cold weeks. Today we’re discussing something which — at first glance — seems overly simplistic. We’re talking about HOW to wake up. And yet, waking up is something every one of us does and we do it every single day of our life. There’s an incredible power that comes when we can learn to do BETTER the things we do consistently. One of those things is waking up. There are specific ways to be more intentional about waking up each morning. And when you learn how to control and your direct your mornings, it provides a lot of power for controlling and directing your life. Helping your mornings to go better helps your life to go better. Listen to this episode now to learn the strategies we’ve been using for the past 20 years to design our mornings — which then led to designing our life. This episode is sponsored by our Must Read Book Recommendations which includes two FREE audio programs — one about morning routines, and the other about Bibliotherapy. Click here to take advantage of this free offer. Or visit extraordinaryfamilylife.com

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THE podcast for parents with big dreams who feel stuck. Let us show you how to finally break through the overwhelm, chaos, and 'survival mode' to legitimately do MORE with LESS stress and to finally achieve your biggest dreams -- even with a family. Greg and Rachel Denning are parents of 7 children whom they've traveled with to 55+ countries on 5 continents -- all while homeschooling and building a multi-six-figure location independent biz. BECOME the man, woman, spouse, and parent you need to be to create the EXTRAORDINARY life of YOUR dreams with this HOLISTIC approach that works.