8. Dirk Verbeuren - Megadeth / Cadaver / Bent Sea / Scarve / Drumming Legend

In Episode 8 of The Extreme Drummers Podcast I speak to Dirk Verbeuren, drummer of Megadeth, Cadaver, Brave The Cold, Bent Sea, Scarve, Tronos + many more ...Dirk truly needs no introduction, starting as the drummer for French technical metallers Scarve and now serving as the drummer for the legendary Megadeth, he has proven that his drumming chops are incredibly proficient and versatile.Aside from Megadeth, Dirk plays in many other projects including Cadaver, Brave The Cold, Tronos, Bent Sea...

Om Podcasten

My name is Dan Wilding, drummer for the band Carcass. I'm obsessed with podcasts, drums and extreme metal. I've been lucky enough to make some very cool friends in my time as a professional drummer. This podcast is a good excuse to talk to some of my extreme drummer friends about being an extreme drummer! Please enjoy these nerdy chats! Blastbeats for life :)