TFB 052: How an export business took Brand Britain around the world

In today’s show entrepreneur Sean Ramsden shares his story of how he built a global export business taking brand Britain around the world. Ramsden International exports some of the UK’s most loved food and grocery brands to all four corners of the planet. But Sean has only been able to do this by building a trusted reputation and always living by strong company values. In this interview, Sean shares his tips on how to build a strong company culture, what Brexit will mean for export businesses such as his and why there is so much power in Brand Britain. Enjoy today’s show!

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Alistair Clay, from the #1 online PR training school Class:PR, goes long form with some of today’s most exciting entrepreneurs to find out how they made their businesses famous. From tech firms, healthcare businesses and wellbeing gurus to sports startups, food brands, charities and mumpreneurs, each week Alistair gets his guests to reveal the secrets of their PR strategies and tactics.Learn more at