334 w/ Zaid Jilani "Jeff Toobin, Fapping Antifascist; The Terror Parents of Northern Virginia; A Bad Bisexual in a Bad Vest"
w/ Zaid Jilani, former reporter at The Intercept and current substacker (inquiremore.com)Kmele, missing in a mudslide?Zaid, the most left-wing staffer at the Center for American ProgressCable news is horrible / Jeff Toobin slays white supremacySchool board chaos in VirginiaCreating wee lil' apparatchiksWhy do we care about the stupid VA governor's race?Words don't mean anything anymore, part 322We are all India-Pakistan nowThe steady hand in DC is trembling Dumb Republicans still have no economic programDear lord, she's wearing a vest!The collapsing Biden economic agendaIs Kyrsten Sinema a bad politician? Bad dresser? Bad bisexual?Matt discovers his white privilege (and he likes it) Recorded: 10/28/21Posted: 10/28/21 See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.wethefifth.com/subscribe