Members Only #243 - Pox Blankets, Political Cartoons, Poor Parenting

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit* Lia the diva * The era of athlete actors * Moynihan correction: It was Bubba Smith in Police Academy. Dick Butkus was in Police *Story*.* I want to make fun of my boss* Awful political cartoons * More on progressive schools * Are you a hypocrite, MM?* Reflections on Jimmy Carter, DPRK fan * The neo-neocons?* The vibe shift and the sense of the heroic (says MAGA Matt)* Matt…

Om Podcasten

Your weekly rhetorical assault on the on the news cycle, the people who make it, and occasionally ourselves. Kmele Foster (Freethink), Michael Moynihan (Vice), and Matt Welch (Reason) talk and laugh and drink their way to at least quasi-sanity in a world gone mad, often with the aid of clean and articulate guests. Weekly Members Only subscription edition often comes with listener mail and professional-quality (if inappropriate) singing. Analysis. Commentary. Sedition.