FF 028 - (Live) Transporting Poultry to the Processor

Spence here - It's a rainy catch up night, and so I thought I'd record the process as I catch up broilers for slaughter. Hauling your flock to the processor is the last step of production for us pastured poultry farmers, and you can lose quite a bit of money - so in this episode we cover it all - catching, crating, pulling feed, etc. Even if you're not a farmer, you'll get a peek behind the scenes.  Feel free to leave us a review on your favorite podcast thinggy of choice. Got a question for us - hit us up at fightingfarmerspence@gmail.com Thanks for listening!

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Join Spence the Fighting Farmer for weekly episodes giving an honest peak behind the scenes at Across the Creek Farm, a first-generation full-time sustainable pastured poultry farm located in the hill & hollers of NW Arkansas that Spence started after coming home from war.