Episode 109: Flat Earth Conversation with Adrian
In this episode, we have a great conversation with Adrian from Texas. If you would like to reach out to him, his email address is atra0307@yahoo.comEmail us: theflatearthfiles@gmail.comWebsite: theflatearthfiles.comSnail Mail:George HobbsPO Box 109Goldsboro, MD 21636Show Notes:https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:178dc144-314e-30b4-8d0c-820908729e4c Names: Steven Grier - Dr heading the alien disclosure Richard Doty - (ret) project Blue Booku Guy Patel - Doc Admiral Wilson meeting doc - https://www.congress.gov/117/meeting/house/114761/documents/HHRG-117-IG05-20220517-SD001.pdf Carl Sagen - EB-1 - Alien name from RoswellJohn Callahan - FAA director Lt Robert Jacobs - says rocket was shot down by ET'sSays ET's won't let us shoot nukes into space. Bob Lazar - element 115Lou Elizondo - clearance but left ATIP(Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program)Tom DeLonge - Works with LuePat McGuire - aliens told to dig a well Carl Higdon - abductionOgallala aquifer - water under the ground in multiple statesPlacesLos Alamos - Alien Bodies Banned kids foodshttps://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly_/status/1712325680996728939?t=HPnUXBMAfdAnvQDZvnaCzg&s=19 Vaccine nanotechnology - place to download https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/patent/US-9539210-B2 Bob Lazar on Roganhttps://www.youtube.com/live/GYH9631aew0?si=on4wyvDKhpJABWGU 23 minutes in hell Bill Wiesehttps://www.youtube.com/live/GYH9631aew0?si=on4wyvDKhpJABWGU Larry McDonald Georgia rep(D)https://youtu.be/OJBh7tOBkpk?si=cXaCDNDBY79Eob3F Cereal https://www.tiktok.com/@mendwithtray/video/7272870133360577835 https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly_/status/1708701635352957404?t=KHrQV4yG1gXjKXV_ZZvo4Q&s=19 https://www.youtube.com/live/GYH9631aew0?si=jAZivx_Ac1tY2P5M End times Prophecy channel YouTubehttps://youtu.be/avL7JQLOf8w?si=tw-4gdNejCv4u6Zy Burzynski cancer Dr with a curehttps://youtu.be/F_7LZ8GLerI?si=CVitGJRa3PA-Ywrl Mitochondrial function boothttps://youtu.be/QCupQPo5LpA?si=oBglcl7MoWyJjyP0 Enhance autophagy https://youtu.be/u8lul9X1nsE?si=5fuAJHXbGfubvujm Detox and affects...