Episode 152: Flat Earth Conversation with Vikka

In this episode, we have a great conversation with Vikka from Madrid, Spain. He has made flat earth documantaries & has recently debated globers on jeranism. If you would like to reach out to Vikka, you can connect with him here:YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@VikkaDrazivTruthInPlainSight FaceBook: facebook.com/truthinplainFlatten The Curve ! The Documentary By Vikka Draziv https://youtu.be/YQnLw_OWPZk?si=oakmH9p8CZm7wQQZ "The Mechanical Realm" Flat Earth Documentary By Vikka Draziv https://youtu.be/CAZfhNKRNMA?si=EXJr4VSlHNMkV3g2DEBATISM Ep 20: MCToon vs Vikka Draziv | The Shape of the World 6 questions 8 claims 90 min 2⧸21⧸24 https://youtu.be/05tJCFLnlzw?si=ZY3vhZJQdGLtVwwZ Reconstructing The Antikythera Mechanism https://youtu.be/dRXI9KLImC4?si=BmfFTi9s1VBACU0lThe Flat Earth Files:Donate to our upcoming travels: https://www.givesendgo.com/delmarvastudiosWebsite: theflatearthfiles.com Email: theflatearthfiles@gmail.com Snail Mail: George Hobbs PO Box 109 Goldsboro, MD 21636

Om Podcasten

Start your journey to truth with "The Flat Earth Files." Of all the hoaxes perpetrated against mankind, Freemason Nicolaus Copernicus' heliocentric model is by far the most evil. In this podcast, we give you views from a common sense & biblical perspective. Whether you're new to "conspiracy theories" or consider yourself wide awake, this podcast will make you reflect on everything you thought you knew as truth.