Episode 152: Flat Earth Conversation with Vikka
In this episode, we have a great conversation with Vikka from Madrid, Spain. He has made flat earth documantaries & has recently debated globers on jeranism. If you would like to reach out to Vikka, you can connect with him here:YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@VikkaDrazivTruthInPlainSight FaceBook: facebook.com/truthinplainFlatten The Curve ! The Documentary By Vikka Draziv https://youtu.be/YQnLw_OWPZk?si=oakmH9p8CZm7wQQZ "The Mechanical Realm" Flat Earth Documentary By Vikka Draziv https://youtu.be/CAZfhNKRNMA?si=EXJr4VSlHNMkV3g2DEBATISM Ep 20: MCToon vs Vikka Draziv | The Shape of the World 6 questions 8 claims 90 min 2⧸21⧸24 https://youtu.be/05tJCFLnlzw?si=ZY3vhZJQdGLtVwwZ Reconstructing The Antikythera Mechanism https://youtu.be/dRXI9KLImC4?si=BmfFTi9s1VBACU0lThe Flat Earth Files:Donate to our upcoming travels: https://www.givesendgo.com/delmarvastudiosWebsite: theflatearthfiles.com Email: theflatearthfiles@gmail.com Snail Mail: George Hobbs PO Box 109 Goldsboro, MD 21636