Episode 172: Flat Earth Conversation with Robert

In this episode, we chat with Robert about Covid, Genesis 6, and how he came to discover flat earth. Email Robert at rlclark68@hotmail.comTwitter/X https://x.com/RLClark16 You Will Know (Youtube channel) https://www.youtube.com/@youwillknowrlc68/videos Etsy Store https://www.etsy.com/shop/youwillknow/?etsrc=sdtWebsite: theflatearthfiles.com  Email: fefilesguest@gmail.com  Snail Mail: George Hobbs PO Box 109 Goldsboro, MD 21636 Show Notes:New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Eats Burger in Bizarre Vaccination Promotion: "Mmm, Vaccinations" https://youtu.be/vDqnIcbx8-Q?si=8aa_BK2JCIx-WiGv The Hobbit https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077687/ Trey Smith https://www.youtube.com/@treysmithnutshell Anti-Masonic Party https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Masonic_PartyBill de Blasio https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_de_Blasio The Genesis 6 Conspiracy Part II: How Understanding Prehistory and Giants Helps Define End-Time Prophecy https://a.co/d/2QkK7B8 Matthew 4:1-11 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%204%3A1-11&version=KJV Seraph https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seraph#:~:text=A%20seraph%20(%2Fˈs%C9%9Br,Judaism%2C%20Christianity%2C%20and%20Islam. Fear Inoculum by Tool https://genius.com/Tool-fear-inoculum-lyrics Dr Bryan Ardis https://www.imdb.com/name/nm13090318/

Om Podcasten

Start your journey to truth with "The Flat Earth Files." Of all the hoaxes perpetrated against mankind, Freemason Nicolaus Copernicus' heliocentric model is by far the most evil. In this podcast, we give you views from a common sense & biblical perspective. Whether you're new to "conspiracy theories" or consider yourself wide awake, this podcast will make you reflect on everything you thought you knew as truth.