Episode 86: Mark Sargent, Voicemails & Emails

Hello everyone, thank you for your continued support! We will be interviewing Mark Sargent this week, and I wanted to give everyone an opportunity to ask him a question. To leave a voicemail, go to https://www.theflatearthfiles.com and leave us a voicemail. (Please try to keep it to 1 minute)Also feel free to send us your question via email, theflatearthfiles@gmail.com.Thank you all for your continued support. We are trying to get to all the emails, and we are sending out emails to get folks scheduled for future episodes. Please check your spam as well!!!Show notes:Mischelle Sandowich's Sub-Stack: https://open.substack.com/pub/flatouthope/p/flat-earth-trinity-mystery?r=1nf7fb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=webDario's contact information: info@darioandreella.comwww.darioandreella.comSpace Shuttle Challenger disaster https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_Challenger_disaster Murder by Numbers Movie poster (for visual purposes) https://www.amazon.com/Movie-Poster-Numbers-Original-Bullock/dp/B00OI4N6DM Montessori education https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montessori_education ElectroCulture & Moon Phase gardening https://www.greenmatters.com/sustainable-living/electroculture-gardening What is moon phase gardening https://www.thespruce.com/moon-phase-gardening-5219263#:~:text=The%20principle%20behind%20lunar%20phase,edible%20parts%20below%20the%20soil. Donald Rumsfeld and the Strange History of Aspartame https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-rumsfeld-and-the-s_b_805581 The Current Court: Justice Clarence Thomas https://supremecourthistory.org/supreme-court-justices/associate-justice-clarence-thomas/#:~:text=The%20Current%20Court%3A%20Justice%20Clarence%20Thomas&text=He%20was%20an%20attorney%20for,for%20the%20following%20two%20years. Inventors of Water-Powered Cars Murdered https://www.henrymakow.com/2021/03/Illuminati-Suppress-Water-Powered-Cars.html 15 Minute Cities https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-27/the-15-minute-city-conspiracy/102015446# Hawaii official concerned with ‘equity’ delayed releasing water for more than 5 hours as wildfires raged https://nypost.com/2023/08/19/hawaii-official-worried-about-equity-over-water/

Om Podcasten

Start your journey to truth with "The Flat Earth Files." Of all the hoaxes perpetrated against mankind, Freemason Nicolaus Copernicus' heliocentric model is by far the most evil. In this podcast, we give you views from a common sense & biblical perspective. Whether you're new to "conspiracy theories" or consider yourself wide awake, this podcast will make you reflect on everything you thought you knew as truth.