Episode 99: Flat Earth Conversation with Jessica from Idaho
In this episode, we have a great conversation with Jessica from idaho. If you would like to reach out to her, her email address is: fourhumans@me.comEmail us: theflatearthfiles@gmail.comWebsite: theflatearthfiles.comFlat Earth Sun & Moon Clock app *NOW AVAILABLE* on Google Play and Apple. Download it today and start flat smacking!Get the app —> https://qrco.de/bbizVAUse referral code FEFILESShow Notes:THE SHINING | The Twins = 2020https://youtu.be/i2SFU9WOUY4?si=dHDXf4uIcnKOrNBEFlat Earth Truth in Bonanza - Devil on Her Shoulderhttps://youtu.be/WGXu5XIcL9o?si=0DPZED6zqfGbEod_Fall of the Cabalhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/kNS1mw1jmjpt/OUT OF SHADOWS 2020 THE DOCUMENTARY WITH MIKE SMITH,KEVIN M.SHIPP & BRAD MARTINhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/kQ9JfRnmvoS2/Unshackled! radio serieshttps://unshackled.org/listen/browse-all-programs/