Special Message: "Anonymous" Addresses Flat Earth

In this brief and impromptu episode, we share Anonymous' message to the people, entitled "A Message to Humanity". While only 8 minutes, the message packs quite a powerful punch. Check out the video as well which is just as powerful:Anonymous - A Message to Humanityhttps://youtu.be/tTFDMFHs7Wc?si=hc2ULoefJl1mfyjsThank you for your continued support. Website: theflatearthfiles.comEmail: theflatearthfiles@gmail.comSnail Mail:George HobbsPO Box 109Goldsboro, MD 21636God bless you all!

Om Podcasten

Start your journey to truth with "The Flat Earth Files." Of all the hoaxes perpetrated against mankind, Freemason Nicolaus Copernicus' heliocentric model is by far the most evil. In this podcast, we give you views from a common sense & biblical perspective. Whether you're new to "conspiracy theories" or consider yourself wide awake, this podcast will make you reflect on everything you thought you knew as truth.