Paycheck Protection Program, CARES Act, and Forecasting Frozen Proteins - FDP10

Alright Happy Friday my essential working people. It's April, 3rd, 2020. The US is in quarantine. Restaurants are fighting the good fight - and all you ESSENTIAL WORKERS are making the world turn while the vast majority of the population is streaming Money Heist Season 4. Side note: I can't wait to pour some bourbon and do the same. But first: We're talking about the Paycheck Protection Program, a ~$350B segment of the $2.2T CARES Act passed by congress last Friday. Small Businesses all over the country lined up to file their loan paperwork with banks today, but were met with red tape and restrictions. I discuss this and more on today's episode of the Foodservice Distribution Podcast.  Notes:  Cares Act Tax Information: Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program Info: Issues filing: As always, feel free to reach out on Social Media @foodservicepod  Twitter:  Personal: email: Thank everyone - stay safe and have a fantastic weekend!

Om Podcasten

A podcast about restaurant distribution and foodservice economics. David works in the foodservice distribution industry, servicing restaurant groups in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. "I have spent half of my career in restaurants learning from customers, and the other half supporting restaurants as a foodservice distributor. Having always looked for a podcast that could teach me more about distribution, supply chain, foodservice sales, products, and restaurants, but never finding it... I decided to make it myself." em: social: @FoodservicePod